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Brna is a small resort located on the southern coast of the Island of Korcula. Brna's inhabitants have built their houses on the Mali Zaglav Peninsula that is located in a deeply cut bay. The newer district has developed in the east, across the bay side. The town was founded in the 19th century, when the inhabitants of the inland lying, neighboring town of Smokvica built a port here to ship their wines, olive oils and other island products to the mainland. The port developed quite well, so that by 1860 Brna - which means as much as shipyard – could count a total of about 200 ship embarkation and disembarkations.
Today Brna is a popular resort, characterized by new buildings and apartment complexes, but without any significant sights. Cafés, restaurants and bars have been established along the harbor, bringing tourists closer to the local cuisine. Those wanting a change of pace from the beach, can take a short trip down to the sports and recreation center in the Istruga Bay. There is a playground, a volleyball court, ping-pong tables, tennis courts and a bowling alley at the sports center. While in the same bay, also make sure to check out the mud, which alleviates pains, inter alia, rheumatic complaints.